What grateful people Hasafraners are!  The Seattle Convention 
Committee is enjoying all these many wonderful thank you's and 
appreciates your good wishes and thoughfulness!  You all made it 
worthwhile for us!  If you did not yet fill out your evaluation form, 
you can get one atwww.jewishlibraries.org from the link right on the 
home page!  Filling this out and getting it to us will give you an 
even better chance at getting specific in your compliments and 
complaints! See you again soon!

AJL Seattle Convention


Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to: hasaf...@osu.edu
SUBscribing, SIGNOFF commands send to: Listproc @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

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