Hi, Fred--

Since you're setting up an archive with books, I thought you might
appreciate a rare book librarian's perspective. Assuming that you are
talking about a situation where your library purchased multiple copies
of a particular title deemed to be popular, they are probably identical.
Nonetheless I would check each one. I don't think you need to keep all
of them, but I would look out for:

1. The copies in best condition
2. Hardcover copies in their original dust jackets
3. First editions and first printings
4. Any copies presented to the library by private owners, particularly
if there is evidence of provenance of importance to your own collection
(i.e. a teacher, principal, rabbi, or donor with a special connection to
your library)
5. If you have evidence of variations in form of issue (i.e. different
bindings, for example. This is less likely than if you were working with
mostly nineteenth century pieces, but it's worth keeping an eye out none

Presumably the copies you retain will be used mostly for displays and
class presentations and be available to researchers, rather than to be
issued to general borrowers.

I wish you all the best.

Dan Rettberg

Daniel J. Rettberg, Ph.D.
Rare Book and Manuscript Bibliographer
Klau Library
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
3101 Clifton Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45220-2488



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