For your information--  Here are some changes reported in the last 
four issues of the LC Weekly Subject Headings lists.

        150  German language   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85054365]
              * 680       Here are entered works on the German 
language in any script, including those in
        Hebrew script identified as Judeo German in the work but 
considered to be German on the
        basis of linguistic elements such as grammar, orthography, 
syntax, and vocabulary.
        Works on the Yiddish language including those that may be 
identified as Judeo German in
        the work but are considered to be Yiddish on the basis of 
linguistic elements such as
        grammar, orthography, syntax, and vocabulary are entered 
under Yiddish language.
              * 450    UF Ashkenazic German language
              * 450    UF Judaeo German language (German)
              * 450    UF Judendeutsch language
              * 450    UF Judeo German language (German)
              * 450    UF Jüdisch Deutsch language
              * 450    UF Jüdischdeutsch language
              * 681       Note under Yiddish language.

                150  Yiddish language   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85149145]
              * 680       Here are entered works on the Yiddish 
language, including those that may be identified
        as Judeo German in the work but are considered to be Yiddish 
on the basis of linguistic
        elements such as grammar, orthography, syntax, and 
vocabulary. Works on the German
        language in any script, including those in Hebrew script 
identified as Judeo German in the
        work but considered to be German on the basis of linguistic 
elements such as grammar,
        orthography, syntax, and vocabulary are entered under German language.
              * 450    UF Hebreo German language
              * 450    UF Jiddisch language
              * 450    UF Judaeo German language (Yiddish)
              * 450    UF Judeo German language   CANCEL
              * 450    UF Judeo German language (Yiddish)
              * 681       Note under German language

                150  God­Wrath­In literature  [sp2010013149]

        150  False testimony (Jewish law)   [sp2007005070]
                053       KBM4484
                550    BT Jewish law

Daniel Stuhlman
ddstuhlman  at
Chicago, IL



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