Holocaust survivors.
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We are pleased to announce the speaking tours of 2 authors for junior 
high students and older. Both are holocaust survivors who are 
Orthodox women. South Florida & NY area.
Fran Laufer, author of A Vow Fulfilled

Everyone loves a success story. It's no wonder that a book like A Vow 
Fulfilled – The Fran Laufer Story: Memories and Miracles has the 
power to capture our attention. Now, the author is available to speak 
publicly. More than a Holocaust diary ­ Fran's story is a soul 
stirring story of selflessness, strength and success in the face of 
evil; it is a tribute to the human capacity to rebuild and to love 
after unthinkable horrors.

How can a person who has suffered so continue to live, and not merely 
to live, but to live a Jewishly committed life of meaning and purpose?

Fran Laufer proves that with faith and resilience of spirit, the 
impossible is possible. A legendary philanthropist she shares her 
saga and shows how one can rise even from the depths of degradation 
to accomplish incredible feats.

Fran Laufer is now available to share her story with your community.

TO SCHEDULE AN EVENT in South Florida December 2010 – April 2011, NY 
metro area  April 2011 onwards: CONTACT STUART SCHNEE PR

E-mail: bo...@stuartschnee.com                            Tel: 1-410-454-9999

Lola Lieber, Holocaust survivor and author of A World After This: A 
Memoir of Loss and Redemption.

This is the story of Lola Lieber, a Hungarian-Polish Jewish woman who 
tells the story of her ordeals and determination to survive the 
atrocities of the Nazis. It is also the memoir of a marriage that was 
a true working partnership.

It is an adventure of harrowing events and many close calls. In the 
end it is the story of the survival of a woman who will go on in her 
life to help repair the lost tapestry of Jewish life and to become a 
mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, as well as an accomplished artist.

Today in her eighties, Lola still paints and maintains a gallery in 
the heart of Chassidic Boro Park in Brooklyn, New York. Her work has 
been exhibited in many art galleries throughout the United States. 
Her paintings are part of the Yad Vashem archives in Jerusalem. 
Though Lola maintains a busy social and charitable activity schedule, 
her family always comes first. Lola often proudly states that she is 
the mother of three, grandmother of twelve, and the great-grandmother 
of thirty-six and still counting. This truly is her triumph and her 
final victory over Hitler and the Reich.


E-mail: bo...@stuartschnee.com                            Tel: 1-410-454-9999

Stuart Schnee

Public Relations, Marketing & Sales

US Tel: 973-796-2753

Israel Tel: +972-54-790-9120

Fax: +972-2-561-0943


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