>From February 13 to February 21  a member of Sinagoga La Javura and 
I will be in New York City for a mix of mostly business with a pinch 
of pleasure thrown in for good measure. We would not only like but 
LOVE to visit synagogues/libraries and thank personally as many of 
you as we can who have sent good wishes, advice, books and calendars 
over these last 14 years.  We'll be staying at the International 
Youth Hostel on 883 Amsterdam Ave. We would like to treat whomsoever 
wants to give us a gander/tour of their synagogue/library to a cup, 
glass, or pint of whatever strikes their fancy for the honour. Or 
maybe you might want to tell us about your experiences as librarians 
as you accompany us on a ride on the Staten Island Ferry, or freeze 
our butts off as we try to slither our way across Central Park. Or if 
there is something you think we must not miss (like spitting off the 
top of the Empire State for example), be sure to let us know.

You should definitely contact me off-list.
Besos de Valencia
Alba Toscano
Sinagoga conservador La Javurá
calle Uruguay 59, pta 13
46007 Valencia  (Espana)
Skype: albatoscanovalencia
UStream:   http://www.lajavura.org/ustream/html
96 380 2129
96 380 6970
658 721 769


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