We have a 3rd grader who is not happy about coming to Hebrew 
school.  He lives in a far outlying suburb and since most of his 
friends are not Jewish, they don't have to go to Hebrew school.  So 
he tells his parents that he doesn't want to be Jewish.  Other than 
Confessions of a Closet Catholic, which is a little too old for him 
and has a female protagonist (but would otherwise be perfect!) can 
you recommend any books with a theme of pride in being 
Jewish?   Avrum's Gift is at least age appropriate and about a boy, 
but it really doesn't do the trick, either.  Thanks.
Debbie Colodny
Sefer, So Good
1141 Garfield Av.
Libertyville, IL 60048

"If you want a child to read, read to the child."  (source unknown)


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