Shalom Safranim:

I thought this ALA poster session sounded like it would be interesting:

    Digital Dreams: The Potential in a Pile of Old Jewish Newspapers
Rebecca Jefferson, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (

In celebration of its thirtieth year, the Isser and Rae Price Library 
of Judaica at the University of Florida is digitizing a select corpus 
of jubilee editions of Jewish newspapers from around the world. 
Thirty-two representative issues have been chosen out of a collection 
of over 200 such newspapers held at the University of Florida. The 
Jewish press of the twentieth century was an extremely vibrant entity 
and an important tool of social change; the editors were often among 
the major Jewish writers of their day. Jubilee editions therefore 
provide a great deal of information about the history of the 
particular newspaper in question as well as providing a key resource 
for research into the history of the Jewish press. By mounting the 
first part of what will be a unique digital resource, the Price 
Library hopes to raise greater interest in this hidden collection. It 
also hopes that it will spark future collaborative projects, perhaps 
even a national endeavor to digitize Jewish world serials. Last but 
not least, it is hoped that the digital collection will help raise 
the profile of the Price Library, which is one of the top twenty 
Jewish libraries in the world in terms of its late nineteenth- and 
early twentieth-century materials.

Shmuel Ben-Gad,
Gelman Library,
George Washington University.


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