Raphael Loewe

It is with great sadness that I report the death on Friday, May 27, 
of Raphael Loewe, Goldsmid Professor of Hebrew Emeritus, University 
College London. Born in Calcutta on April 16, 1919, he was educated 
at the Dragon School, Oxford and the Leys School, Cambridge. From an 
early age, he studied Hebrew with his father, Herbert Loewe, Reader 
in Rabbinics at Cambridge, who gave him a firm grounding in 
Rabbinics. He was a scholar of St John's College, Cambridge, where he 
graduated in Classics. During the Second World War, he served in 
North Africa and Italy. After the War, he held university 
appointments at Leeds, Cambridge, Brown, and University College London.

The great-grandson of Louis Loewe, Sir Moses Montefiore's close 
confidant and interpreter, Raphael Loewe was the the last in a line 
of Anglo-Jewish hebraists, who attained mastery of both biblical and 
rabbinic sources as well as the classics. His scholarship was devoted 
to the history of biblical interpretation ­ Jewish and Christian ­ 
Christian hebraism, Anglo-Jewish history, and above all, ancient and 
medieval Hebrew poetry. A master translator who made no concessions 
to a contemporary audience, he rendered Andalusian Hebrew verse into 
the English of the Metaphysical Poets and FitzGerald's Rubáiyát into 
classical Hebrew. His numerous publications include Ibn Gabirol, The 
Ryland Haggadah, and The Meshal Ha-Qadmoni of Isaac Ibn Sahula. A new 
volume, Shirim ve-tirgumei shirim ("Hebrew Poems and Translations"), 
appeared earlier this year; it is a remarkable seventy-year 
retrospective of Raphael Loewe's art (see below).

An Elder and Warden of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation, 
Lauderdale Road, he did his utmost to maintain and enhance the proud 
traditions of that venerable synagogue. Though he was enormously 
erudite, Raphael Loewe was a very patient teacher, an extremely 
generous colleague, and a most loyal friend. Devoted to family, 
community, and his scholarly calling, he will be sorely missed. Yehi 
zikhro barukh.

Daniel Frank
Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
The Ohio State University

Raphael Loewe, Shirim ve-tirgumei shirim ("Hebrew Poems and 
Translations"). Israel: Haberman Institute, 2010. xxii+466 pp. 4 colour plates.
ISBN-13 978 0 950108667

Available from:
1. amazon.com
2. American Sephardi Federation – Attn: Randall C. Belinfante, 
Librarian/Archivist at rbelinfa...@asf.cjh.org

In UK: Society of Heshaim, Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation, 
2 Ashworth Road, London W9 1JY. £30 (+ £4.50 p&p)

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