Shalom Safranim

To all who have not heard, I have had to cancel my trip to Montreal 
as my Canadian visa didn't come through soon enough. For some unknown 
reason, there is a long delay on South African visas, of which 
neither I nor my Travel agent were aware. I should have applied at 
least a month to two months ago. In 2003 when I got my visa for the 
Toronto convention this was not the case at all.

So I must heartily apologise to all those who would have attended my 
session on Ochberg's orphans. It was too late to courier the movie 
and apparently it is not available from the Rainmaker Film Company in 
London either. It seems to have been made for private distribution to 
the descendants and not commercially.

I am heartbroken, especially as Yiddish was going to feature so 
strongly during the convention.



Veronica Belling
Jewish Studies Library
University of Cape Town
Private Bag X3
Rondebosch 7701
South Africa
Tel. 021-6503779
Fax. 021-6505151


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