Katrina's Jewish Voices"
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The Montreal AJL Convention is Fabulous!!!!!  Here's an Opportunity 
to Extend that Feeling into Creole Country!  Please Excuse Multiple 
Postings, But Do Spread the Word!  It's This Coming Sunday, June 26, 2011:

AJL & The ALA Ethnic & Multicultural Information Exchange Round 
Table's Jewish Information Committee

Cordially Invite You to the

6th AJL/ALA Special Joint Program at ALA Annual Conference

Sunday, June 26, 2011, 1:30-3:30 pm
Ernest N. Morial Convention Center (MCC), Room 349
900 Convention Center Boulevard, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130

"Gathering the Storm: Exploring Katrina's Jewish Voices and the
Significance of Oral History Collection"


In 2006, the Jewish Women's Archive and the Institute for Southern 
Jewish Life instituted an oral history project to document the 
experience of Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath within the Jewish 
communities of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. Professor Karla 
Goldman will present video excerpts and moderate a panel discussion 
among some of the project's narrators to consider the Jewish themes 
and frameworks that emerged in these interviews and to reflect upon 
the impact of oral history in capturing and shaping our understanding 
of individual, group, and general experiences of historically
momentous events like Katrina. Dr. Goldman will lead a panel 
discussion following her presentation.

Scheduled Speakers/Panelists: Karla Goldman, Sol Drachler Professor 
of Social Work and director, Jewish Communal Leadership Program, the
University of Michigan; Saundra K. Levy, executive director, Jewish 
Endowment Foundation of Louisiana, New Orleans; Jackie Gothard, past
president, Congregation Beth Israel, New Orleans; Carol Wise, 
community activist, New Orleans; Deena Gerber, Director, Jewish
Family Services, New Orleans; Rebecca Mark, Professor, English 
Department, Tulane University.

Moderator: Elliot H. Gertel, Irving M. Hermelin Curator of Judaica, 
The University of Michigan; chair, EMIERT Jewish Information 
Committee; AJL liaison to ALA.

Hope to see y'all/vous autres New Orleans!

Elliot H. Gertel
Irving M. Hermelin Curator of Judaica
Chair, ALA EMIERT Jewish Information Committee
AJL/ALA Liaison
The University of Michigan
111-C Hatcher North
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1190
Phone: 734-936-2367
Fax: 734-763-6743


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