I wanted to provide the following information to anyone with a 
subscription to Segula Magazine:  If you purchased a subscription 
starting with the first issue, you have probably received the same 
letter I did, informing you that your subscription has expired and 
requesting payment for the renewal.  However, as I discovered after I 
emailed them, the magazine is committed to providing original 
subscribers (who purchased subscriptions when the magazine was 
supposed to come out on a monthly basis) the full 12 issues.  At 
present, only five issues have been published.  Sara Ben-Zakai (the 
subscription manager) replied to my email that she would indeed honor 
the original commitment to 12 issues, so I would suggest that when 
you receive the letter asking for a renewal, you email her at: 
s...@segulamag.com, just to make sure they don't stop sending the magazine.

Shira London
Upper School Librarian
Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School
Baltimore, MD.


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