Friends and colleagues:
On my visit here to Israel this past week I had the most wonderful
experience of meeting with Rolene Segal of the AMIT-AACI Library in
She is a fine professional concerned about user needs, professional
activity, and serving the Anglo community of Jerusalem.

I made numerous phone calls to gather librarians for a conversation --
to no avail. And I was also curious about my experience, when I asked
each of my phone calls if they knew so and so from the ____Library the
response was "No."  So it seems that people may  not know colleagues
in the various Library worlds here in Israel. Is this generally true
here is Israel?
  I ask because I don't know and am curious. It may be that all Israeli
academic library professionals know each other, or the directors of
the academic libraries know each other...and that the community,
municipality library professionals don't know colleagues.
Just reaching out to get more answers so I can understand...

*Abigail Yasgur *

Max Said Yes! The Woodstock Story
by Abigail Yasgur & Joseph Lipner
Illustrations by Barbara Mendes
is a Mom's Choice Award winner!


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