EVERY PROTECTION: Exploring Pregnancy and Childbirth in the Jewish 
Pale of Settlement

Debra Olin - Images
Nathaniel Deutsch - Text
September 27 - October 11, 2011

OPENING RECEPTION: Tuesday, September 27, 4-7 pm

Until 1917, most Jews of the Russian Empire were restricted to a 
region called the Pale of Settlement, whey they created their own 
distinctive folk culture.  In 1914 the writer, socialist 
revolutionary, and ethnographer, Sh. An-sky, produced a massive 
Yiddish ethnographic questionnaire to document this culture, 
including many questions concerning Jewish customs and beliefs 
connected to pregnancy and childbirth.  In The Jewish Dark Continent: 
Life and Death in the Russian Pale of Settlement (Harvard University 
Press), UCSC Professor Nathaniel Deutsch has translated An-sky's 
questionnaire into English for the first time, placing it within a 
rich historical context.  Collaborating with Deutsch and inspired by 
her deep interest in Jewish women's folk traditions, Debra Olin has 
created illuminating artworks that represent and explore the 
dangerous, magical, and above all, powerful experience of pregnancy 
and childbirth in the Pale of Settlement.

Every Protection
Exploring Pregnancy and Childbirth in the Jewish Pale of Settlement
Debra Olin: Images and Nathaniel Deutsch: Text
September 27 - October 11, 2011
Eloise Pickard Smith Gallery, Cowell College, Univ of CA at Santa Cruz
Gallery hours: 11am - 4pm, Tu-Su    For more information call: 
831-459-2953 - Wheelchair accessible
Opening reception: Tuesday, September 27, 4-7pm
Until 1917, most Jews of the Russian Empire were restricted to a 
region called the Pale of Settlement, where they
created their own distinctive folk culture. In 1914 the writer, 
socialist revolutionary, and ethnographer, Sh. An-sky,
produced a massive Yiddish ethnographic questionnaire to document 
this culture, including many questions concerning Jewish customs and 
beliefs connected to pregnancy and childbirth. In The Jewish Dark Continent:
Life and Death in the Russian Pale of Settlement (Harvard University 
Press), UCSC professor
Nathaniel Deutsch has translated An-sky's questionnaire into English 
for the first time, placing it within a rich
historical context. Collaborating with Deutsch and inspired by her 
deep interest in Jewish women's folk traditions,
Debra Olin has created illuminating artworks that re-present and 
explore the dangerous, magical, and, above all,
powerful experience of pregnancy and childbirth in the Pale of Settlement.



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