Dear Colleagues,

I have been asked by the producer to forward this message and announcement.

    Allen Oren is the producer of "18 Voices Sing Kol Nidre".   In 
anticipation of the High Holidays, I'm  would like to bring this to 
the attention to those who might want the film for their collections 
or their programs.
    The film drew praise from members last year, and has since 
received a three-star "Recommended" rating from Video Librarian and a 
very positive review from School Library Journal.
    This fall the piece is being re-broadcast on public television 
around the country, will receive a theatrical screening in Toronto, 
and will be part of a multimedia concert at the Museum of Jewish 
Heritage in Manhattan.


Want to energize a High Holidays program or your High Holidays collection?

Try "singing" Kol Nidre early.

Explore the prayer's rich story with the PBS documentary, "18 Voices 
Sing Kol Nidre."

The 40-minute film, which aired nationally last fall, is available 
for library purchase or screening on DVD, with bonus videos of two 
cantorial chantings of the Kol Nidre and Bruch's Kol Nidrei for Cello.

The film can be ordered here on the DVD page of our website,   The price for private use is $24.95, for public 
performance use $74.95.

Wrote Dorothy Rabinowitz, TV critic for The Wall Street Journal and 
Pulitzer Prize winner:

"A marvellous film.  It is magnificent, eloquent, and instructive.  I 
was so struck by its effect I watched it four times over the weekend."

"18 Voices Sing Kol Nidre" asks how a prayer that doesn't mention God 
became so sacred.

How did its words bring centuries of persecution, then its melody 
bring redemption?

How did one chant become so important to one people ­ and to the world?

The answers arrive when 18 voices sing Kol Nidre, when 18 
storytellers share their tales about the prayer, some experts in the 
chant, some just changed by chanting it.

If you'd like to see the first 15 minutes of the piece, please click here.

If you have any questions, just e-mail us at

We're happy to use a modern medium to discuss an ancient prayer.

­ Allen Oren, producer


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