Dear Safranim,

We are in the process of setting up our library catalog on-line using 
OPALS Library Software.

We have a question for those who are also using OPALS.

We would like to make searches easier for our patrons by having the 
search turn up relevant items regardless of whether the patron uses 
the Separdic or Ashkenazi spelling of the search term.  For example 
we would like a search for "shabbas" to find items in the catalog 
that have the subject "shabbat," "sabbath," or "shabbos," even if the 
subject "shabbas" does not appear in the marc record.

We would also like searches to account for nicknames.  So that a 
search for "Maimonides" would turn up items that have "Moses ben 
Maimon," or "RAMBAM" in a subject field.

The same issue can occur on an author search where the patron 
searches "Moses ben Maimon" and we want the search to turn up works 
where the marc record has "Maimonides" in the author field.

Unfortunately OPALS does not currently have authority files where 
these alternate names and spellings could be specified.

We are thinking we will need to add subject fields to each marc 
record where there are these type of variations.

Is anyone concerned about this issues.  Please let us know your 
thinking and how you are handling it.

Thank you so much.

Anna Lazaroff
B'nai Havurah


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