The Sunday New York Times includes an obituary notice for Col. 
Seymour J. (Sholom) Pomrenze, a heroic figure for Judaica librarians 
and archivists.  As an Army captain in the American zone of 
occupation in postwar Germany, Seymour Pomrenze played a pivotal role 
in setting up the Offenbach archival depot, the distribution point 
for looted Judaica treasures - including books and archival materials 
- that were restituted either to their rightful owners (individuals 
and institutions) or to institutional repositories of Judaica (in 
cases where the materials had effectively become orphaned during the 
Holocaust).  Col. Pomrenze was a professional archivist who, if 
memory serves, subsequently worked for the National Archives, in 
Washington, and for UJA-Federation, in New York City. Of particular 
interest to members of the Association of Jewish Libraries was the 
Myer and Rosaline Feinstein Lecture that he delivered at AJL's 2002 
convention in Denver.  The link to his lecture, which bore the title 
"The Restitution of Jewish Cultural Treasures after the Holocaust," 
can be found here:
Col. Pomrenze took justifiable pride in his participation in the 
restitution effort, and received the National Humanities Award for 
this in 2007.

Yehi zikhro barukh,

Zachary M. Baker
Stanford University Libraries
Stanford, CA 94305-6004


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