Choose Life! 8 Chassidic Stories for the Jewish New Year


At this time of year many of us are looking for inspiring (and 
entertaining) reading to get in the mood for the High Holidays. I'd 
therefore like to let you know about my new ebook, Choose Life! 8 
Chassidic Stories for the Jewish New Year:


Rebbe Zusha of Hanipoli was once walking down the street when he was 
asked by a Russian police officer, "Where are you going?"

Where are you going? That's a good question for any day of the year, 
but it's especially pertinent during the time period in the Jewish 
religion known as the Days of Awe - Rosh Hashanah, the Ten Days of 
Repentance, and Yom Kippur - which are days uniquely designed for 
taking an inner journey to discover the path to a fulfilling and 
meaningful life.

In this short volume of eight classic Jewish tales retold by Libi 
Astaire, this spiritual journey is explored through the lens of 
Chassidus - the mystical religious movement founded by Rabbi Israel, 
the Baal Shem Tov. Along the way we'll meet great chassidic leaders 
such as Rebbe Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev, Rebbe Zusha of Hanipoli, 
and the Baal Shem Tov himself, who were all masters at showing the 
way to a New Year filled with good health, prosperity, happiness and, 
of course, life.
About the Author
Libi Astaire is an author and freelance journalist who often writes 
about Jewish history. Her books include: the award-winning The 
Disappearing Dowry and The Ruby Spy Ring, Jewish historical-mystery 
novels set in Regency England; Terra Incognita, a novel about 
modern-day descendants of Spain's crypto-Jews; and the ebooks Choose 
Life! 8 Chassidic Stories for the Jewish New Year and 36 Candles: 
Chassidic Tales for Chanukah.
Customer Review

With Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur swiftly approaching my thoughts, as 
I suspect the thoughts of most Jews, turn to tsuvah (repentance). But 
what does repentance really mean and how does one go about repenting?

In this delightful short book Libi Astaire answers those questions 
with eight wonderful stories meant to reach the heart and soul. The 
Chasidic tales include both those that were familiar to me, albeit 
told in her own unique style, and ones that were new to me. From Rav 
Zusha, to the Cantonist, each story brings alive the people and 
events of the time.

Preceding each story is a small section on the laws pertaining to 
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, repentance, charity and how to live a 
life of gratitude and caring.

The stories contain philosophical truths told in language both simple 
and elegant making them suitable for the youngest to the oldest 
audiences. They would make great readings for before bed or at the 
Shabbat table. A lovely gift for a favorite grandchild! - Rachel Ann 
Anolick, Salixj

Choose Life! 8 Chassidic Stories for the Jewish New Year is available 
at  and for $2.99.

Many thanks and may you be inscribed and sealed for a good year,
Libi Astaire


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