In my opinion this is another veiled attack on freedom of speech in 
the name of "freedom of speech". Those of us who read "The closing of 
the American mind : how higher education has failed democracy and 
impoverished the souls of today's students"
by Allan David Bloom, published in 1989, are shocked to see the 
fulfillment of Bloom's prophesy.

The fields of Academic Humanities and Social Studies, all over the 
world have long stopped being the space for free flow of ideas, 
different point of views, and multiple interpretation of texts. If 
you don't tow the current left-leaning, orthodox line, you will never 
be invited to join the closed faculty club. Moreover, you will be 
ostracized and placed under a herem, as hinted by the writer of this 
innocuous article.

Aviva Astrinsky
Representing my own opinion only


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