Association of Jewish Libraries
Call for Conference Papers 2016
The Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL) will hold its annual conference 
entitled "Libraries of the Future: Innovate, Integrate, Motivate" at the 
Charleston Marriott in Charleston, South Carolina from Sunday, June 19 - 
Wednesday, June 22, 2016. Librarians, archivists, scholars, educators, authors, 
and others will meet to share their interest in Judaica librarianship, Jewish 
history and culture, and related topics.
AJL is soliciting proposals for papers and presentations on all aspects of 
Judaica librarianship as it pertains to libraries, archives, museums, schools, 
synagogues, and related institutions. Past topics have included: collection 
management, programming, reader advisory services, special and rare 
collections, cataloging and classification, digital and electronic resources 
and emerging technologies.  Current research topics related to Judaica studies 
and local Jewish history would also be of interest. The 2016 conference will 
introduce a professional development track devoted to practical aspects of 
librarianship. Submissions dealing with topics in organizational development, 
institutional administration, vendor relations, job retention, etc. are 
especially welcome. 

Submissions should include the following:

Presenter's name, address, affiliation, telephone and email contacts.
*       Brief biography
*       Title of proposed presentation
*       Summary of proposal
*       Specific technology or equipment requirements, if any
All submissions must be received by November 30, 2015.  Please submit proposals 
by e-mail (PREFERRED) to: 

or by mail to: Shoshanah Seidman, Northwestern University Library, 1970 Campus 
Evanston, IL 60208

Proposals will be reviewed by the Program Planning Committee, which is composed 
of national and AJL members. Notification will be made in January, 2016.

Note: An individual may give only one paper or presentation. If an individual 
submits more than one proposal, the committee will choose between them based on 
what topics best fit the conference program. Someone who presents a paper may 
participate in a second session as a moderator.

Shoshanah Seidman
Faculty Liaison, Program for Jewish Studies, 
Northwestern University Library

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