One of kid's teachers recommended that they read 20 pages of a book and if they 
weren't "caught" to put it down. (for pleasure reading obviously) So I tried 
this out at home when I recommended books to them - and it worked well. One of 
the books I had the hardest time convincing my daughter to start was the 
"Confessions of a closet Catholic" but then I had the hardest time getting her 
to put it down for meals.


From: Hasafran [] On Behalf Of Amy Turim
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 11:08 AM
To: 'Heidi Rabinowitz';
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] Classics vs. New Books

I look forward to seeing what books are on people's lists, but this question 
opens the door to a way of thinking when "recommending" books to kids 

At this time, when leisure time is so much about tech "devices", I believe it's 
most important to get kids to think of reading as something they want to do, a 
delicious way to spend time.  When students are brought into my library by 
parents or teachers and told "you'll really like this book"... "this is a great 
book"... I just watch the kids go blank.  They've heard it before, they don't 
believe it or don't care. (and of course they'd rather turn to their device.)

So... I have a standard line that I say to the children I deal with (K-6):  
"Look at the books in this section and see what appeals to you based on the 
cover - it's up to you; what looks good?  Read the first page. If you're 
interested enough to turn the page you'll probably like the book!  If it's 
already boring, then put it back and keep looking.  And I'm right here if you 
need help with a word or have a question."  Kids are bossed-around all the 
time; I want to validate their right to make a choice in the library, and also 
be seen as sympathetic.  (Once you have their trust, you can recommend the good 

(Boys often need more guidance, and I've had great success with the Rabbi 
Harvey series as gateway-books for non-readers.)

Amy Turims
Temple Emanuel
Kensington, MD<>

From: Heidi Rabinowitz []
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 12:08 AM
To: Hasafran 
Subject: [ha-Safran] Classics vs. New Books

So Pnina Moed Kass (author of STBA winner Real Time, 2004) sometimes sends me 
interesting librarianship articles, and she just sent this one from The 
Guardian newspaper in England about classics vs new books for kids.

Seems like when asked about "must read books" adults tend to answer with their 
own out-of-date favorites. They are not lucky like us librarians, they haven't 
read the more recent kidlit.

So this made me wonder - within the genre of Jewish kidlit, what are your top 
ten classics and what are your top ten "must read books" that were published 
more recently (say within the last 10 years or so)?

Just wondering...

Heidi Rabinowitz<>



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