Hi Alba,
Yes, we did miss you and your spirit at the conference! Hopefully we’ll see  
you next June in New York.
Good luck with the house – it looks very promising, and I hope you send us the 
“after” pics…
Don’t sweat it, summer is almost over unless you DO believe in global warming – 
then we all evaporate together ☺

From: Hasafran [mailto:hasafran-boun...@lists.osu.edu] On Behalf Of ALBA TOSCANO
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 11:01 PM
To: AJL-HasafranLists
Subject: [ha-Safran] AJL membership: A little pep talk about re-upping; the 
personal experience

Hiyya All!
I don't think Valencia could get any hotter and not go up in a poof of smoke.
I got the AJL Re-up Reminder from the Membership Chairperson Shulamis Hes. As 
we can read by the note I got from Sheryl Stahl (30 june 2016):

Hi Alba, Congratulations! You are the first person to send in their 2016/17 
membership! And I love the little card you sent. I’ll put it on my wall next to 
the Cat alone in Catalonia card! I will let our new VP Membership, Shulamis Hes 
know that you sent in payment. After 8 years, I am off the AJL board (still on 
council as webmaster). All the best, Sheryl.

Over these last 18 years I've always been Mrs Nº999. Since I couldn't come to 
the 2016 Convention, I dashed off a sweetened re-up check to Sheryl as the next 
best thing: 75$US. This makes me Mrs Sweet Nº One for the AJL's 2016/17's 
re-upping season! How's them apples and honey, eh?

What would I do without all you AJL librarians who have sent me books, 
filmstrips, calendars, and  moral support over the years?  The Sinagoga La 
Javurá Library (Valencia, Spain) would have never happened without AJL. The 
plan is to sweeten it a little more and work my way up from there with each 
passing year. I've already paid back the 1999 Boca Raton first-time attendee 
scholarship and about half of the Littauer Travel Stipend so generously given 
to me for the Seattle 2010 Convention. However....

Sweetened re-up cheques might get the debt paid off  and others that same 
chance to attend and travel but they will never ever ever pay back the Good 
Will and Generosity of the members of AJL. These and so many unsung qualities 
of all the members of AJL will get us modern librarians to the other side of 
Google, Amazon and a whole bunch of other future things we have yet to dream 
of.... together.

P.S. If you would like to see the work on the apartment I bought to be turned 
into a real home for the Sinagoga La Javurá, click 
  Have a gander at a bunch of  persons scurrying about and a lot of rubble but 
you'll get the general gist. I manically rock between giddy-happy and 
scared-out-of-my socks.

Alba Toscano, presª
Sinagoga conservador La Javurá
calle Uruguay 59, pta 13, 46007 Valencia
SKYPE: albatoscanovalencia
UStream : http://www.ustream.tv/channel/la-javura-on-line
email  lajav...@lajavura.org<mailto:lajav...@lajavura.org>
página web: http://www.lajavura.org
96 380 2129
658 721 769

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