[image: logo for AJL 2020 conference in Evenston]
AJL Conference 2020 Update: March 25, 2020

After much research, discussion, and deliberation, the Association of
Jewish Libraries has decided to cancel our annual conference scheduled for
June 29-July 1, 2020 in Evanston, IL.

We know that you are disappointed in hearing this news, but the AJL Board
felt strongly that there was no other choice to make given the uncertainty
of the progress of COVID-19 (the novel coronavirus).

We will be in touch soon with information for those who have pre-registered
for the conference and with information about potential alternative
opportunities for us to share our knowledge and skills. Our hope is to have
answers to these questions soon, but with the situation changing so
rapidly, and Passover on the horizon, it might be a few weeks.

Thank you for your continued support of AJL. We appreciate your patience as
we work through this unparalleled situation. The Board and Council hope to
have resources available for members related to librarianship in this
interesting time and ways to best serve our patrons.

A huge thank you goes out to our conference organizers, especially National
Conference Chair Lisa Silverman and local chairs, Rachel Kamin and Marcie
Eskin for all the work they and their committee did in preparation for the

Dina Herbert                                   Kathy Bloomfield

President, AJL                                  VP-President Elect, AJL

View the complete announcement here:
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