What wonderful news, Heidi!! Susan, kol hakavod for this recognition of all
the work you do! The two of you have been doing such amazing work for AJL
and beyond!


Annette Y Goldsmith, PhD (she/her/hers)
Part-time Faculty, Kent State University iSchool
Guest Faculty, University of Washington iSchool
Librarian, Sephardic Temple Tifereth Israel, Los Angeles
Member, 2024-2025 Sydney Taylor Book Award Committee

*Currently reading: *Grimes, Nikki. *Garvey's Choice: The Graphic Novel*.
Illus. by Theodore Taylor III. (Wordsong, 2023)

"A book is like a world you can carry around with you."
Liniers.* Written and Drawn by Henrietta* (TOON Books, 2015)

On Wed, May 3, 2023 at 10:28 AM Heidi Rabinowitz via Hasafran <
hasafran@lists.osu.edu> wrote:

> I am so happy for my friend Susan Kusel, who has won the ALA Equality
> Award! Here's the press release, and I also want to share what she wrote on
> Facebook, because it's very significant that ALA is recognizing Jewish
> advocacy work as
> I am so happy for my friend Susan Kusel, who has won the ALA Equality
> Award! Here's the press release, and I also want to share what she wrote on
> Facebook, because it's very significant that ALA is recognizing Jewish
> advocacy work as being worth celebrating. Here's the press release:
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ala.org/news/member-news/2023/05/susan-kusel-named-winner-2023-ala-equality-award__;!!KGKeukY!zggx3xSASK5BHLvaZbcGAx6s--URAsTl59U5SsdEmOeosiTWZvoADS7rWWOir9P8YPOE4U3epr6EuePzHHdRzAzj0-dqjkYQIFrGH0KQ$
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ala.org/news/member-news/2023/05/susan-kusel-named-winner-2023-ala-equality-award__;!!KGKeukY!3vuWq6ZSn47LBLXdrcex4EjnrVMUt2jjB_LF59U4yItNfZ2W6K51H_QcVcRESAw6oAFyGDE2_NZGyQ8Qp9-JRGx7Wud_Io23ZMIuW8IPYRk$>
> And here are Susan's own words, in which she shouts out AJL:
> A big and unexpected moment and career high that I can't quite believe.
> Thank you to the American Library Association for selecting me as the
> recipient of this year's ALA Equality Award.
> With thanks and gratitude to the members of this year's committee: Dora
> Ho, Skip Dye, Keahiahi S. Long, Shay Ramsey-Martin and Robin Sofge and to
> ALA. Thank you for recognizing me, but much more importantly for
> recognizing Jewish advocacy work as significant and worth awarding.
> With deep thanks to Heidi Rabinowitz, who has been my partner for so much
> of this Jewish book equity work. I am so proud of the projects and
> communities we have created.
> Also thank you to my colleagues at ALA and the Association of Jewish
> Libraries and to everyone in the library, bookselling and publishing fields
> who have been so supportive of Jewish books. Thank you to my synagogue
> colleagues and library patrons, who I have been working for.
> I am also honored to be recognized for my mentoring. That is truly an
> important part of my professional life and I am so proud of my mentees and
> what they have accomplished.
> I really feel this is a group award, for all the work we have done
> together, to expand the world of Jewish books for all Jewish and non-Jewish
> readers. We have done so much... and we have so much more to do.
> Toda raba.
> __
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