hi john,

John Lato wrote:
> Using unsafeFreezeIOCArray and my stream implementation provides the
> fastest version yet, with an average of about 1.9s per run.  This is
> in the hsndfile.hs test code as function "test1".
> For the record, the stream implementation and fold I'm using are
> copied from Data.ByteString.Lazy.  I changed the types to suit this
> code, but that's the source.

thanks for posting the code. i'm not very convinced of lazy IO, but i'd
be very interested in incorporating an iteratee based approach into
hsndfile. i'm currently finalizing various api changes and extensions
(mostly to do with abstracting both mutable and immutable buffers) and
when i'm done i'll have a look at what you did in hsoundfile-3.
obviously oleg's iteratee code is not hackaged yet, and i couldn't find
it anywhere else, do you have any pointers?


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