Haskell noob here. I came across the Haskell School of Music pdf online and it looks like a great way to get acquainted with the language while doing some music stuff.

I'm doing a project where incoming values from sensors are to be turned into music. currently I have a haskell program that scans the sensors and generates OSC messages as a result. So far so good.

The second part would be to receive OSC messages and generate signals in real time - sound synthesis with effects like echo, filtering, etc etc. I thought perhaps euterpea might be the way to go, but then I came across this on page 303:

   /Euterpea can execute some programs in real-time, but sufficiently
   //programs require writing the result to a file. The function for
   achieving this//
   //outFile :: (AudioSample a, Clock c) ?//
   //String ? Double ? SigFun c () a ? IO ()//

Ok, so if synthesis is too complex, then you won't be able to do it in real time. But I don't see how to even try this. The book doesn't show a method for real time audio. Looking at IO.hs, where outFile is defined, doesn't reveal anything that seems to be 'play this signal through the speakers'.

So questions:

1) how would a reckless individual produce real time audio from Euterpea? Yes I understand it may fail.

2) if someone has used euterpea in real-time, what's the complexity level that is usable before failure occurs?

3) if euterpea is incapable of real time, then can anyone recommend a noob-class haskell environment for real time audio?

Thanks for any insight!

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