Am 12.09.2014 um 11:42 schrieb Alois Cochard:

> The only thing I can tell you is that I use Arrow a lot to map element of a
> tuple, and that is really neat (took me a while though to get the signature
> of the method and map to the instance defined).
> Basically:
> f *** g = \(a, b) -> (f a, g a)
> Now that I got this one, I can see the more general abstraction and that
> looks extremely powerful.

This means using (***) for the instance Arrow (->), which is not really 
spectacular. If you want to abstract at all, the Bifunctor class might 
be closer. I have the (***) as mapPair in my utility library:

A much more interesting application of Arrows is this: You can express 
causal audio signal processors using Arrows. Fortunately the Arrow 
combinators preserve causality. If you use feedback, a causal signal 
processor warrants that there are no deadlocks. A causal signal 
processor is also required for real-time processing.

See for instance:


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