I've read 4 messages following this, but I'd like to pursue this a little to test my own understanding...

At 14:12 30/12/03 +0000, Joe Thornber wrote:
I was wondering if anyone could give me some help with this problem ?

I'm trying to hold some state in a StateMonad whilst I iterate over a
large tree, and finding that I'm running out of stack space very
quickly.  The simplified program below exhibits the same problem.


module Main (main) where

-- Program to count the leaf nodes in a rose tree.  Written to try and
-- reproduce a stack space leak present in a larger program.

-- How can I use a state monad to count the leaves without eating all
-- the stack ?

import Control.Monad.State

data Tree = Tree [Tree] | Leaf

buildTree :: Int -> Int -> Tree
buildTree order = buildTree'
buildTree' 0 = Leaf
buildTree' depth = Tree $ map (buildTree') $ take order $ repeat (depth - 1)

countLeaves1 :: Tree -> Int
countLeaves1 (Tree xs) = sum $ map (countLeaves1) xs
countLeaves1 (Leaf) = 1

incCount :: State Int ()
incCount = do {c <- get;
               put (c + 1);
               return ();

countLeaves2   :: Tree -> Int
countLeaves2 t = execState (aux t) 0
    aux :: Tree -> State Int ()
    aux (Tree xs) = foldr1 (>>) $ map (aux) xs
    aux (Leaf) = incCount

main :: IO ()B
main = print $ countLeaves2 $ buildTree 15 6

My *intuition* here is that the problem is with countLeaves2, in that it must build the computation for the given [sub]tree before it can start to evaluate it. Maybe this is why other responses talk about changing the state monad?

But why does this computation have be done in a state monad at all? countLeaves seems to me to be a pretty straightforward function from a Tree to an Int, with no need for intervening state other than to increment a counter: as such, I'd have expected a simple recursive function to serve the purpose. (Maybe there was something in the original application that was lost in the problem isolation?)


------------ Graham Klyne For email: http://www.ninebynine.org/#Contact

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