Well, I can live with it well enough, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't overlooking something simple (which it appears I'm not).


At 13:38 22/06/04 +0100, Adrian Hey wrote:
I think this was the topic of my very first post to Haskell
mailing list, many years ago..


I think the answer is no. Apparently this is feature
(I still think it's a bug though:-)

Adrian Hey

On Monday 21 Jun 2004 6:03 pm, Graham Klyne wrote:
> If I have a polymorphic algebraic type (T a) with several type
> constructors, only one of which actually references the type parameter, is
> there any way to express type conversion for the type-parameter-independent
> constructors without actually mentioning all the constructors?
> Here's a simple example based on Either:
> [[
> data A = A String deriving (Show, Eq)
> data B = B String deriving (Show, Eq)
> f :: (a->b) -> Either String a -> Either String b
> f g (Right a) = (Right $ g a)
> f g (Left  s) = (Left s)
> -- f g (s) = (s) -- doesn't work
> a2b (A s) = (B s)
> t1 = f a2b (Left "x")
> t2 = f a2b (Right (A "y"))
> ]]
> The second case for 'f' throws a type error when the constructor 'Left' is
> omitted, because the type of 's' is fixed to be Either String A when the
> required result (in this case, because of a2b) is Either String B.
> #g
> ------------
> Graham Klyne
> For email:
> http://www.ninebynine.org/#Contact
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------------ Graham Klyne For email: http://www.ninebynine.org/#Contact

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