Interesting, I think... If I understand correctly, the use of 'just' does indeed make it rather too untyped for my taste.

It's been a while since I looked at the "boilerplate" work, but looking at your code I think it depends on gmapQ of the polymorphic value to be converted. Does your generic Haskell processor generate this automagically?

Anyway, it reminds me of a private communication I received on this topic, suggesting that the "problem" could be resolved by making the polymorphic container type an instance of Functor, and using fmap to do the conversion. This ensures that the other constructors only need to be mentioned once (in the fmap instance).


At 18:19 23/06/04 +0200, Ralf Laemmel wrote:
Graham Klyne wrote:

If I have a polymorphic algebraic type (T a) with several type constructors, only one of which actually references the type parameter, is there any way to express type conversion for the type-parameter-independent constructors without actually mentioning all the constructors?

Just for the record, using gunfold (from boilerplate paper II) and cast (from boilerplate paper I), one can do this in a weird way. The default equation becomes:

f g s = just (shallow_rebuild s)
-- instead of f g s = s

The shallow_rebuild function rebuilds the top-layer of a term.
Polymorphism is no problem here because the constructor is built from scratch.
The dirty bit is "just" which goes from Maybe to Certainly.
Code attached for fun. This particular solution is perhaps too untyped,
but some bits of this solution were surprising for me.


{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}

import Data.Typeable
import Data.Generics

-- Representation of kids
kids x = gmapQ Kid x -- get all kids
type Kids = [Kid]
data Kid  = forall k. Typeable k => Kid k

-- Build term from a list of kids and the constructor fromConstrL :: Data a => Kids -> Constr -> Maybe a fromConstrL l = unIDL . gunfold k z where z c = IDL (Just c) l k (IDL Nothing _) = IDL Nothing undefined k (IDL (Just f) (Kid x:l)) = IDL f' l where f' = case cast x of (Just x') -> Just (f x') _ -> Nothing

-- Helper datatype data IDL x = IDL (Maybe x) Kids unIDL (IDL mx _) = mx

-- Two sample datatypes data A = A String deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Data, Typeable) data B = B String deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Data, Typeable)

-- Mediate between two "left-equal" Either types f :: (Data a, Data b, Show a, Read b) => (a->b) -> Either String a -> Either String b

f g (Right a)    = Right $ g a       -- conversion really needed
-- f g (Left  s) = Left s            -- unappreciated conversion
-- f g s         = s                 -- doesn't typecheck
-- f g s         = deep_rebuild s    -- too expensive
f g s            = just (shallow_rebuild s) -- perhaps this is Ok?

-- Get rid of maybies just = maybe (error "tried, but failed.") id

-- Just mentioned for completeness' sake deep_rebuild :: (Show a, Read b) => a -> b deep_rebuild = read . show

-- For the record: it's possible. shallow_rebuild :: (Data a, Data b) => a -> Maybe b shallow_rebuild a = b where b = fromConstrL (kids a) constr constr = indexConstr (dataTypeOf b) (constrIndex (toConstr a))

-- Test cases a2b (A s) = B s -- silly conversion t1 = f a2b (Left "x") -- prints Left "x" t2 = f a2b (Right (A "y")) -- prints Right (B "y")

------------ Graham Klyne For email:

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