Hello Cale,

Thank you for your help.

Cale Gibbard wrote:

From the example you gave, it looks like you're using "Yet
Another Haskell Tutorial" from http://www.isi.edu/~hdaume/htut/ which
is actually my favourite tutorial.

The tutorial itself is quite good, and I like it. I guess I've had a long day, and when I was asked for my name and email I didn't react well.

Oh well, life goes on.

When using hugs or ghci, you should note that what these do is to
evaluate Haskell expressions and print (or execute) the results. To
actually write programs, (define data types and functions and such)
you'll need to fire up a text editor and enter your definitions into a
.hs file, which you can then load with your interpreter by passing the
filename on the commandline, or by using ":load filename.hs" at the
hugs or ghci prompt. I think this handles your first problem.

Alright, got it. In hinsight, I misunderstood the tutorial. It showed me the function but it didn't actually say to type it in. Thanks for the help, I can write functions now. :-)

The second problem arises from hugs not doing the same thing as ghci
[snip] You can tell hugs to also load the Char module on top of
whatever code you have loaded by using the command ":also Char", after
which the prompt should look like
and you can try
toUpper 'a'

Alright, yes that works. Thanks!

There are a number of resources which you might be interested in for
learning Haskell. You've already found the mailing lists, there is
also an IRC channel: #haskell on irc.freenode.net, where there are
plenty of people to help at any time.

Oh, good. IRC is good.

There's also a wiki at:
The page http://www.haskell.org/hawiki/HaskellNewbie in particular
might be useful, as it answers lots of common questions from new
users. If you have additional questions, feel free to ask them there
and someone will probably respond fairly quickly.

Ok, thanks. I really appreciate the help. And thank you for the friendly response. I'm eager to keep learning Haskell. The language looks very impressive.

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