On Thu, 30 Jun 2005, Jacques Carette wrote:

> Henning Thielemann wrote:
> >>Data Orientation = Row | Column
> >>Data Vector a = Vector Orientation [a]
> >
> >In the first mail you wrote
> > "9. There are row vectors and column vectors, and these are different
> >types.  You get type errors if you mix them incorrectly."
> >
> >I interpreted that you want to encode the information Row or Column into
> >the type. This sounds reasonable to me because multiplying e.g. a column
> >vector by a matrix is so obviously wrong that it should be detected
> >statically.
> >
> Sorry, I should have been more precise, I used too straightforward an
> encoding from Maple (which is dynamically typed) into Haskell.  I should
> have used the usual type-trickery to encode the Orientation as 2
> different types, to have ``types reflect values''.

You mean phantom types?
 data Vector orient a = Vector [a]

 I'm excited to add lots of new orientations then! :-]

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