On 02/09/2013 09:56 AM, Johan Holmquist wrote:

> It just so happened that the old code triggered some aggressive
> optimization unbeknownst to everyone, **including the original
> developer**, while the new code did not. (This optimization maybe even
> was triggered only on a certain version of the compiler, the one that
> happened to be in use at the time.)
> I fear being P some day.
> Maybe this is something that would never happen in practice, but how
> to be sure...

It's definitely a valid point, but isn't that an argument *for* testing
for preformance regressions rather than *against* compiler optimizations?

Actually, it'd be really nice if you could have statically verifiable
big-O performance assertions in the code. I'm guessing that a lot of
work will have been done in this area. Anyone have any pointers to such


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