On 02/09/2013 10:50 AM, Johan Holmquist wrote:
> I guess I fall more to the "reason about code" side of the scale
> rather than "testing the code" side. Testing seem to induce false
> hopes about finding all defects even to the point where the tester is
> blamed for not finding a bug rather than the developer for introducing
> it.

Oh, I'm definitely also on that side, but you have to do the best you
can with the tools you have :).

> [Bardur]
>> It's definitely a valid point, but isn't that an argument *for* testing
>> for preformance regressions rather than *against* compiler optimizations?
> We could test for regressions and pass. Then upgrade to a new version
> of compiler and test would no longer pass. And vice versa.
> Maybe that's your point too. :)

Indeed :).

> [Iustin]
>> Surely there will be a canary
>> period, parallel running of the old and new system, etc.?
> Is that common? I have not seen it and I do think my workplace is a
> rather typical one.

I don't know about "common", but I've seen it done a few times. However,
it's mostly been in situations where major subsystems have been
rewritten and you _really_ want to make sure things still work as they
should in production.

Sometimes you can get away with just making the new-and-shiny code path
a configure-time option and keeping the old-and-beaten code path. (Tends
to be messy code-wise until you can excise the old code path, but
what're you gonna do?)

> Also, would we really want to preserve the old "bad" code just because
> it happened to trigger some optimization?

These things depend a lot on the situation at hand -- if it's something
99% of your users will hit, then yes, probably... until you can figure
out why the new-and-shiny code *doesn't* get optimized appropriately.

> Don't get me wrong, I am all for compiler optimizations and the
> benefits they bring as well as testing. Just highlighting some
> potential downsides.

It's all tradeoffs :).


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