Hi Tillmann,

no, I am not against shadowing. It's a two-edged sword, but I find it very useful.

Shadowing is very intuitive if one can proceed in a left-to-right, top-to-bottom order, just as one reads. Then it is clear that the later occurrence of a binding shadows the earlier one. No formal spec. is needed to resolve binding in that case.

The confusion comes when one binding comes from a 'where' which is below the use, and another comes from a 'do' or 'let' which is above the use. Then there is no trivial intuitive reading (especially if the block structure is implicit and handled by indentation).


On 26.02.2013 10:57, Tillmann Rendel wrote:

Andreas Abel wrote:
To your amusement, I found the following in the Agda source:

abstractToConcreteCtx :: ToConcrete a c => Precedence -> a -> TCM c
abstractToConcreteCtx ctx x = do
   scope <- getScope
   let scope' = scope { scopePrecedence = ctx }
   return $ abstractToConcrete (makeEnv scope') x
     scope = (currentScope defaultEnv) { scopePrecedence = ctx }

I am surprised this is a legal form of shadowing.  To understand which
definition of 'scope' shadows the other, I have to consult the formal
definition of Haskell.

Isn't this just an instance of the following, more general rule:

To understand what a piece of code means, I have to consult the formal
definition of the language the code is written in.

In the case you cite, you "just" have to desugar the do notation

abstractToConcreteCtx :: ToConcrete a c => Precedence -> a -> TCM c
abstractToConcreteCtx ctx x =
     getScope >>= (\scope ->
     let scope' = scope { scopePrecedence = ctx } in
     return $ abstractToConcrete (makeEnv scope') x)
     scope = (currentScope defaultEnv) { scopePrecedence = ctx }

and it becomes clear by the nesting structure that the lambda-binding
shadows the where-binding. It seems that if you argue against this case,
you argue against shadowing in general. Should we adopt the Barendregt
convention as a style guide for programming?


Andreas Abel  <><      Du bist der geliebte Mensch.

Theoretical Computer Science, University of Munich
Oettingenstr. 67, D-80538 Munich, GERMANY


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