jabolo...@google.com :
I would like to see more code move away from exceptions and into
types like "Maybe" or "Either" or other types defined for the
particular situation (as some people were suggesting in the beginning
of the thread). And the reason for this it is because when you program
against types you have to make a decision whether to handle the error
or let it bleed through: you can't ignore the choice because you can't
ignore the type. On the other hand, with exceptions, you can easily
forget to handle the exception if you're not looking at the
documentation at the time when you write the code.

Tom Ellis:

This is/exactly/  the reason to avoid exceptions where possible.

I disagree.

Types which neutralize some particular conditions (whether you call them exceptional or not is conventional) and propagate "Nothing" etc. is not a panacea. Some exceptions, e.g. in the traversal of deep structures may be and ARE used as escaping continuations. Calling all that "not the right thing to do", or issuing other normative statements is, how would I express it... , is not the right thing to do. Now you can add here some dozen smileys...

More seriously, some people like exquisite continuations and will use them. Instead of fighting against exceptions it might be more fruitful to make them more robust, powerful, parametrable and sexy.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

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