i know nothing on the gui tooling front, but i do know this: the ffi
linking issues with GHCI *should* be fixed with ghc HEAD / 7.8.

If you have linking problems with GHCi HEAD, please report it ASAP. All
linking related issues that have historically plagued ghci should be
resolved, at least on platforms where theres support for dynamic linking
for ghc

On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 11:32 PM, Conal Elliott <co...@conal.net> wrote:

> I'm polling to see whether there are will and expertise to reboot graphics
> and GUIs work in Haskell. I miss working on functional graphics and GUIs in
> Haskell, as I've been blocked for several years (eight?) due to the absence
> of low-level foundation libraries having the following properties:
> * cross-platform,
> * easily buildable,
> * GHCi-friendly, and
> * OpenGL-compatible.
> The last several times I tried Gtk2hs, I was unable to compile it on my
> Mac. Years ago when I was able to compile, the GUIs looked and interacted
> like a Linux app, which made them awkward and upleasant to use. wxHaskell
> (whose API and visual appearance I prefered) has for years been
> incompatible with GHCi, in that the second time I open a top-level window,
> the host process (GHCi) dies abruptly. Since my GUI & graphics programs are
> often one-liners, and I tend to experiment a lot, using a full compilation
> greatly thwarts my flow. For many years, I've thought that the situation
> would eventually improve, since I'm far from the only person who wants GUIs
> or graphics from Haskell.
> About three years ago, I built a modern replacement of my old Pan and
> Vertigo systems (optimized high-level functional graphics in 2D and 3D),
> generating screamingly fast GPU rendering code. I'd love to share it with
> the community, but I'm unable to use it even myself.
> Two questions:
> * Am I mistaken about the current status? I.e., is there a solution for
> Haskell GUI & graphics programming that satisfies the properties I'm
> looking for (cross-platform, easily buildable, GHCi-friendly, and
> OpenGL-compatible)?
> * Are there people willing and able to fix this situation? My own
> contributions would be to test and to share high-level composable and
> efficient GUI and graphics libraries on top of a working foundation.
> Looking forward to replies. Thanks,
> -- Conal
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