On 1/4/06, Josh Goldfoot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Keep in mind that the shootout requires that the first 30 permutations 
> printed out by the Fannkuch benchmark to be exactly those given in the 
> "example."

Well I'm one step closer to just not caring about the shootout anymore.

The spec says *nothing* about the order of permutation. So the fact
that they require them to be generated in a specific order (I'm sure
it's just coincidence that it's the order you get in thet typical
C-style permutation generator) is silly.

What's the point of a language benchmark if all it tests is your
language's ability to instruction-for-instruction implement a C
algorithm? It's certainly possible to implement the exact same
algorithm using Ptr Word8 etc, but what's the point? It's not
idiomatic Haskell anymore and as such has little or no interest to me.

This is silly!

Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
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