Sebastian Sylvan wrote:
> On 1/4/06, Josh Goldfoot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Keep in mind that the shootout requires that the first 30 permutations 
>>printed out by the Fannkuch benchmark to be exactly those given in the 
> Well I'm one step closer to just not caring about the shootout anymore.
> The spec says *nothing* about the order of permutation. So the fact
> that they require them to be generated in a specific order (I'm sure
> it's just coincidence that it's the order you get in thet typical
> C-style permutation generator) is silly.
> What's the point of a language benchmark if all it tests is your
> language's ability to instruction-for-instruction implement a C
> algorithm? It's certainly possible to implement the exact same
> algorithm using Ptr Word8 etc, but what's the point? It's not
> idiomatic Haskell anymore and as such has little or no interest to me.
> This is silly!
> /S

It is silly.  But real work almost always involves having to heed
requirements that are annoying.  And for a benchmark, it helps to keep
everyone using a similar algorithm.  That said, this is the code Bertram
Felgenhauer posted to create the "right" permutation sequence:

> import System (getArgs)
> import Data.List (foldl')
> rotate n (x:xs) = rot' n xs where
>     rot' 1 xs     = x:xs
>     rot' n (x:xs) = x:rot' (n-1) xs
> permutations :: [Int] -> [[Int]]
> permutations l = foldr perm' [l] [2..length l] where
>     perm' n l = l >>= take n . iterate (rotate n)

This is idiomatic Haskell to my eyes.  No simulated c-style loops, no
arrays, no Ptr.

The rest of the code is

> flop :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
> flop n xs = rs
>   where (rs, ys) = fl n xs ys
>         fl 0 xs     ys = (ys, xs)
>         fl n (x:xs) ys = fl (n-1) xs (x:ys)
> steps :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
> steps n (1:_)    = n
> steps n ts@(t:_) = (steps $! (n+1)) (flop t ts)
> main = do
>     args <- getArgs
>     let arg = if null args then 7 else read $ head args
>     mapM_ (putStrLn . concatMap show) $ take 30 $ permutations [1..arg]
>     putStr $ "Pfannkuchen(" ++ show arg ++ ") = "
>     putStrLn $ show $ foldl' (flip (max . steps 0)) 0 $ permutations [1..arg]

Where flop using "fl", which is something that cannot even be expressed
without lazy evaluation.
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