Greg Buchholz wrote:
Neil Mitchell wrote:
Now lets define "super show" which takes a function, and prints its
code behind it, so:

superShow f = "not"
superShow g = "\x -> case ..."

now superShow f /= superShow g, so they are no longer referentially

   OK.  I'm probably being really dense today, but where did "g" come
from?  Is this is the internal definition of "not"?  And does this
loss of referential transparency contaminate the rest of the
language, or is this superShow just an anomaly?

Here is another example. Consider two functions f and g which, given the same inputs, always return the same outputs as each other such as:

     f x = x + 2
     g x = x + 1 + 1

Now since f and g compute the same results for the same inputs, anywhere in a program that you can use f you could just replace f by g and the observable behaviour of the program would be completely unaffected. This is what referential transparency means.

However, if you allowed a function such as superShow, superShow f == "x + 2" and superShow g == "x + 1 + 1" so superShow f /= superShow g thus you could no longer just use f and g interchangeably, since these expressions have different results.

Thus the existence of superShow would contaminate everything, because if you were using a library function for example you would have no way of knowing whether the writer of the function had used superShow somewhere deep in its implementation ie referential transparency is an all or nothing concept.

Regards, Brian.
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