On Wednesday 19th April 2006 18:09PM Udo Stenzel wrote:

Brian Hulley wrote:
In C++, STL provides a vector class which behaves as an array except you
can insert/delete elements from it.

Though you shouldn't.  If you constantly insert and delete in the middle
of a std::vector, you're not using the right data structure.  In fact,
std::vector is almost always wrong and std::deque would probably serve
you better.

std::deque only gives fast insert/delete at the ends so for insert/delete in the middle it is still slow, and any speedup relative to std::vector might be offset by extra slowness in subscripting if multiple physical blocks of memory are used to simulate a contiguous array. I could have used a std::list (which is doubly linked) but then I'd lose the constant time random element access, so in my particular case (which was a text buffer for an edit control implemented as a std::vector of lines where each line contains some book-keeping info plus a std::vector of character info) the std::vector seemed to work out to be the best one to use, since there are more read operations (rendering, parsing etc) than write operations (user typing a character).

I'm wondering what is the best Haskell
data structure to use to simulate this, either mutable or immutable.

The obvious mutable data structure is an (STRef (STArray i a)).  You can
implement std::vector in terms of that, almost literally translating
from C++.  If you want Haskell code that looks as ugly as C++, you
should do exactly that.

I'm keen to learn what the Haskell way is rather than just porting my old C++ code directly.

Immutable array-like thing with insertion and deletion are an
ill-conceived idea, imho.  Every write operation would require a
complete copy and often a reallocation, too.

It depends how many write operations there are in practice, versus how many times you need to read from it using array access. A reallocation (amortized cost O(0)) and copy (a simple memcpy) might be very fast compared to the time it might take for generational garbage collection to deal with the problem of cells in a previous generation referencing new cells as happens in mutable data structures. But of course it's probably not optimal.

Instead, use some functional sequence implementation, like Finger Trees.
Operations in the middle of the sequence incur a logarithmic cost, but
thats better than constantly copying the whole thing around.  Being
immutable it also results in more idiomatic code where you don't need to
drag the ST monad around everywhere.  You might also consider a
Finger Tree of smallish Arrays, that's about the closest equivalent to
std::deque you can get.

Thanks, I've downloaded a paper about them from http://www.informatik.uni-bonn.de/~ralf/publications/FingerTrees.pdf so I'll see if I can understand it! Looks interesting...

Best regards, Brian.
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