
So what's better?

- use an ADT (correct and portable by construction), convert to String
  when calling the IO library

- fumble with Strings, use an unholy mix of specialized and general
  functions, trip over a corner case

Or provide an ADT, demand people marshal to and from this ADT and not
just cheat and use the string directly? Unfortunately people are lazy,
I am one of them...

We should just wrap the old API, filePathToString any parameters and
liftIO the function while we're at it.

How about

class FilePathLike a where
   getRealFilePath :: a -> String

Then convert readFile etc. to take a FilePathLike, rather than a filepath?

I'd be happy with that, and then you can write an ADT and pin down all
the exact details, and the end user can then pick whatever they want
to use.

- declare that Unix uses Unicode too, take the appropriate conversion
  from the locale
Unfortunately this is wrong, and will give the wrong answers.

- parameterize the FilePath ADT on the character type, you get (FilePath
  Word16) on Windows (which uses UCS-2, not UCS-4 and not UTF-16) and
  (FilePath Word8) on Unix; provide conversions from/to (FilePath
Windows doesn't use UTF-16, NTFS does. FAT doesn't. And what about the
Samba drive I have mounted under Windows?


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