On 12/29/06, Michael T. Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 I'm trying to wrap my mind around the darcs source code as a preliminary to looking into 
GHC's guts.  All of darcs is written as .lhs files which have bizarre mark-up in them 
which distracts me from the actual Haskell source I'm trying to figure out and get used 
to.  Apparently the GHC compiler can take .lhs files, strip them with "unlit" 
(a utility which I finally found buried deep in the GHC installation -- off-path) and 
then compile them normally.  The problem I have is that unlit leaves behind instead these 
huge gaping (and highly distracting) stretches of whitespace while it takes out the 

Speaking of bizarre markup, I gently suggest using plaintext rather
than HTML, and wrapping your lines, when you post to this list.

In any case, I'm surprised that you find the Literate Haskell aspect
of it to be the *most* bizarre thing about darcs's sources, but
anyway, I really do suggest turning the code into PDFs as Cale
suggested rather than trying to strip out the literate markup.
Sometimes, documentation really does help one understand code, and the
entire point of literate programming is to make code more readable. A
little effort spent learning now could save you a whole lot of effort


Kirsten Chevalier* [EMAIL PROTECTED] *Often in error, never in doubt
"Dare to be naive."--R. Buckminster Fuller
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