On 21-mei-2007, at 9:31, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

| I see no need two answer this again I believe I have already made my
| views perfectly clear already and provided ample evidence to justify
| them. Surely I don't need to do it again?

Is there a Wiki page about this somewhere? Often email gets into a loop because not everyone reads everything on Haskell Cafe. (There's just too much of it.) When that happens, a good thing do to is to summarise the various positions on a Wiki page, so the debate can progress by refining text rather than by repeating it. There is the additional advantage that someone coming along later can still make sense of the debate.

As I am sure Adrian would tell you were he awake:


With regards, Arthur van Leeuwen


/\ / | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Work like you don't need the money /__\ / | A friend is someone with whom | Love like you have never been hurt / \/__ | you can dare to be yourself | Dance like there's nobody watching

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