Stefan O'Rear wrote:
On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 09:27:23PM +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:
OOC, in what way is Bool not "primitive enough"? You mean because it's an algebraic data type, rather than a bunch of bits in the machine? For that matter, just how much space does such a type typically use?


data Bool = False | True

In general, GHC doesn't do "unboxing".  Instead it has a simpler and
more general approach, where it passes the fields of a
single-constructor type instead of the type itself; this is as good as
true unboxing in most of the interesting cases:

data Int = I# Int#
data Float = F# Float#
data Double = D# Double#
data Char = C# Char#
data Ptr = Ptr Addr#

I see. (I think!)

but not always:

data Bool = False | True
data Integer = S# Int# | J# ByteArray# Int#

As far as actual heap usage goes, GHC creates single static values for
all 0-argument constructors; so all Bool WHNFs are one of two addresses,
one for True and one for False.  But GHC isn't quite smart enough for
the -funbox-strict-fields mechanism to understand this...

Right. So a Bool is a 32 or 64 bit quantity. (Rather like Smalltalk...)

That presumably means that a (Double,Double) is going to be a thunk that evaluates to a (,) pointing to two thunks that evaluate to pointers... IOW, something like 3 pointers' worth of space. Whereas my Quad object is going to be a pointer to one of 4 values... so it looks like Quads save space. (And they're more strict.) OTOH, I'm not sure what the time penalty is like...

It would be nice if there were some general mechanism for turning a bunch of Bool flags into a single machine word. E.g., if I did a

 data Foo = Foo {flagX, flagY, flagZ :: !Bool}

and it ends up that a Foo value is just a single machine word, and GHC picks which bit each flag is... I guess if you want that at present you'd have to code it all by hand. Hmm, I think this might work out better than my current Quad thing... I could do something like

 type Quad = Word8

 foo q = let
   x = if testBit 0 q ...
   y = if testBit 1 q ...

That should be quite fast... (?)

(Questions, questions, so many questions...)

I like answering them. :)

Heh. I'll have to pester you more often. :-P

PS. Somewhere they should write a page entitled "Optimisations that GHC does (and doesn't) do"...

PPS. Hmm. Might be out of date fast? ;-)

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