Which reminds me that it would be nice to be able to ask for a list of what imports I need to specify (i.e. what names from the module are actually used). A case in point would be the example of "non- monadic I/O" I sent to the list the other day: I wanted to specify minimal imports, but couldn't think of a way to do it aside from specifying very small import lists and iteratively adding things as the compile failed.

(This may actually already exist and I don't know enough ghc options to do it....)

funny that you should send that to me:-) my haskellmode for vim
plugins do just that when you hit _ie on an implicit import line.
from the help file:

_ie                     On an 'import <module>' line, in a correctly loadable
                       module, temporarily comment out import and use :make
                       'not in scope' errors to explicitly list imported


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