Tim Docker wrote:
levi.stephen wrote:
I have similar questions about Haskell abstracting away
implementations behind interfaces as well. I have become
used to an approach where I will not worry about
databases/persistence when beginning. I will create an
interface to a database layer (e.g., save(object), retrieve(id),
findByName(name)) etc., and an implementation that uses in
memory collections to begin with. Later I will replace this with
database calls.

How does this type of approach work in Haskell?
or what is the Haskell way to achieve this?

If OO is a good approach for a problem, it's straightforward to model
it in haskell. If you plan to access an external DB in any case, then
the interface will involve the IO Monad. Something along the lines

data Object
data ID

data ObjectStore = ObjectStore {
    save :: Object -> IO ID,
    retrieve :: IO -> IO (Maybe Object),
    retrieveByName :: String -> IO (Maybe Object)

createMemoryStore :: IO ObjectStore
connnectExternalStore :: ConnectionParams -> IO ObjectStore


Thanks for the example. I keep forgetting that I can have use functions like this. I keep having data types made up of just values and/or type classes. I should probably use types like the above more often.

My concern (which may be inexperience ;) ) is with the monads here though. What if I hadn't seen that the IO monad (or any other Monad) was going to be necessary in the type signatures?


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