This is another Haskell style question.

I had some trouble with the pretty printer that comes with GHC, so I
translated one written in Standard ML.  I have already translated the
program into C, so rewriting it in Haskell was quick and easy for me.

The Standard ML version uses a reference cell to keep track of the
space available on a line.  I threaded the value of the reference cell
through the computation using a where clause to define two mutually
recursive equations.  The fixed point implicit in the where clause
ties the knot in the circular definitions in a way that allows the
output string to be efficiently computed front to back.

I showed the code to a colleague, who found the circular definitions
opaque.  He suggested a better style is to use monads, and describe
the computation in a mode that is closer to its origin form in
Standard ML.

What style do to you prefer, a knot-tying or a monad-based style?  I
have enclosed the pretty printer.  The printing function is the
subject of the controversy.


A simple pretty printer

The alogithm is by Lawrence C. Paulson, who simplified an algorithm
by Derek C. Oppen.

Derek C. Oppen, Prettyprinting, ACM Transactions on Programming
Languages and Systems, Vol 2, No. 4, October 1980, Pages 465-483.

A pretty printer based on ML programs with the following copyright

(**** ML Programs from Chapter 8 of

  ML for the Working Programmer, 2nd edition
  by Lawrence C. Paulson, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge.
  (Cambridge University Press, 1996)

Copyright (C) 1996 by Cambridge University Press.
Permission to copy without fee is granted provided that this copyright
notice and the DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY are included in any copy.

DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY.  These programs are provided `as is' without
warranty of any kind.  We make no warranties, express or implied, that the
programs are free of error, or are consistent with any particular standard
of merchantability, or that they will meet your requirements for any
particular application.  They should not be relied upon for solving a
problem whose incorrect solution could result in injury to a person or loss
of property.  If you do use the programs or functions in such a manner, it
is at your own risk.  The author and publisher disclaim all liability for
direct, incidental or consequential damages resulting from your use of
these programs or functions.

> module Pretty(Pretty, pr, blo, str, brk) where

> data Pretty
>     = Str !String
>     | Brk !Int              -- Int is the number of breakable spaces
>     | Blo ![Pretty] !Int !Int -- First int is the indent, second int
>     --  is the number of chars and spaces for strings and breaks in block



> str :: String -> Pretty
> str = Str

Break points

> brk :: Int -> Pretty
> brk = Brk

Indentation blocks

> blo :: Int -> [Pretty] -> Pretty
> blo indent es =
>     Blo es indent (sum es 0)
>     where
>       sum [] k = k
>       sum (e:es) k = sum es (size e + k)
>       size (Str s) = length s
>       size (Brk n) = n
>       size (Blo _ _ n) = n

Pretty prints the constructed object

> pr :: Int -> Pretty -> ShowS
> pr margin e s =
>     s1
>     where
>       (_, s1) = printing margin [e] margin 0 (margin, s)

The state of the computation is maintained as a pair consisting of
an integer and a string.  The integer is the number of unused
character positions in the current line of output.  The printer
adds content to the front of the given string.

> printing :: Int -> [Pretty] -> Int -> Int -> (Int, String) -> (Int, String)
> printing _ [] _ _ p = p
> printing margin (e:es) blockspace after (space, s) =
>     (space1, s1)
>     where
>       (space2, s1) =            -- Result of first item
>           case e of
>             Str str ->          -- Place a string
>                  (space - length str, showString str s2)
>             Brk n ->            -- Place breakable space
>                  if n + breakdist es after <= space then
>                      blanks n (space, s2) -- Don't break
>                  else
>                      (space3, showChar '\n' s3) -- Break
>                      where
>                        (space3, s3) =
>                            blanks (margin - blockspace) (margin, s2)
>             Blo bes indent _ -> -- Place a block
>                  printing margin bes (space - indent)
>                     (breakdist es after) (space, s2)
>       (space1, s2) =            -- Result of the remaining items
>           printing margin es blockspace after (space2, s)

Find the distance to the nearest breakable space.

> breakdist :: [Pretty] -> Int -> Int
> breakdist (Str s : es) after = length s + breakdist es after
> breakdist (Brk _ : _) _ = 0
> breakdist (Blo _ _ n : es) after = n + breakdist es after
> breakdist [] after = after

Place spaces

> blanks :: Int -> (Int, String) -> (Int, String)
> blanks n (space, s)
>     | n <= 0 = (space, s)
>     | otherwise = blanks (n - 1) (space - 1, showChar ' ' s)
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