On Nov 27, 2007 11:14 AM, Henning Thielemann
> I think this is true, but for me it means, that we do not need another
> advertisement at Haskell.org, but facts. I also expect that people
> visiting the site already know about static typing and have categorized
> themselves into static typing lovers or haters. They will also have heard
> about polymorphism (just like object-orientation :-). So they only need to
> find out about the words, they do not know.

For what it's worth, the Python community went through a contentious
debate when it was decided to release a new -- dare I say
"corporate-friendly"? -- Web site a few years ago. Experienced users
didn't want some marketroid to plough across their tried-and-true
navigation pathways. But it was done; and once the site was up, the
debate quickly ended, and everyone simply got back to work. Having a
front-page that was welcoming to outsiders (for several values of
"outside") turned out not to be very disruptive at all. Experienced
users quickly find what they are looking for, as long as the
navigation is reasonable.

I offer this as a cautionary tale, before the debate heats up.

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