> Malcolm Wallace wrote:
> >Simon Peyton-Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>What would be v helpful would be a regression suite aimed at
> >>performance, that benchmarked GHC (and perhaps other Haskell
> >>compilers) against a set of programs, regularly, and published the
> >>results on a web page, highlighting regressions.
> >
> >Something along these lines already exists - the nobench suite.
> >    darcs get
> >It originally compared ghc, ghci, hugs, nhc98, hbc, and jhc.
> >(Currently the results at
> >
> >compare only variations of ghc fusion rules.)
> >
> >I have just been setting up my own local copy - initial results at
> >
> >where I intend to compare ghc from each of the 6.4, 6.6 and 6.8
> >branches, against nhc98 and any other compilers I can get working.
> >I have powerpc, intel, and possibly sparc machines available.
> That's great.  BTW, GHC has a performance bug affecting calendar at the 
> moment:
> The best GHC options for this program might therefore be -O2 
> -fno-state-hack.  Or perhaps just -O0.
> >>Like Hackage, it should be easy to add a new program.
> >
> >Is submitting a patch against the darcs repo sufficiently easy?
> >Should we move the master darcs repo to somewhere more accessible, like
> >
> Yes, please do.  When I have a chance I'd like to help out.

Malcolm, can you just take the darcs repo, and move it to 

-- Don
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