Alternatively, again speaking of computer science
books using Haskell, does anybody know when will a
Haskell version of Structure and Interpretation of
Computer Programs, or anything of the same scope, be

It seems strange that Concepts, Techniques, and Models
of Computer Programming is out using Mozart/Oz, but
apparently nothing of equivalent scope using Haskell. 
Ideally, the book should cover roughly the same scope
of topics as SICP or CTM, but with a declarative
("What is?"), rather than an imperative ("How to?"),

Benjamin L. Russell

--- PR Stanley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi
> Can the list recommend books that use Haskell - or
> any FP language 
> but preferably Haskell - to illustrate the
> principles of compilers 
> and/or algorithms?
> I think most of you  would understand if I said that
> I'd prefer FP 
> code instead of funny math symbols that don't
> translate into ANSI 
> characters with the current OCR technology, unless,
> of course, you 
> know of a book available in latex code.
> Rather than rushing straight to Google I thought I'd
> first draw on 
> the wealth of knowledge that exists on this list.
> Cheers
> Paul
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